Stay Fit While Traveling

Stay Fit While Traveling

While you are on holidays it is hard to work out and eat healthy, so we tend to gain weight. You tend to drink more alcohol, or try to eat cheap which tends to be fatty fast-food, and you are not going to the gym. Here are some tips to stay fit while travelling:

First of all, you have to lower your expectations because you are on holidays so you might not be able to exercise as much as you would back home. Try to walk or bike around town or to tourist attractions. You can set a goal for your steps and track them with a pedometer. Perhaps you can pack your resistance bands or jump rope - which take little space - so you can exercise at a park or hotel room. Another perk of walking everywhere you go is that you save money as well... win-win.

Carry healthy snacks with you so you don't get hungry and end up eating fatty fast food. Besides, this way you can add extra calorie burn to your walks. If the place you are staying at has a pool, swim for half an hour.

Get adventurous and if the destination allows it, go kayaking, hiking, snorkeling or surfing. Make it a point to dance. Let your hair down at nightclubs around the globe. This is a great cardio and a must-do on almost every vacation. If nightclubs are not your scenes, opt for dancing on the beach, dance where you are - it's as simple as playing some music and going with the flow. It is also a stress-reliever, so what a better way to say goodbye to stress during your holidays.

Enroll in a yoga class now and them, stretch out every morning, choose the stairs instead of the lift. You can also enroll in local races, local runs or marathons. This can a lot of fun. You might get the chance to dress up like in City2Surf in Sydney and have a laugh while you see other people dress up like Santa Claus running alongside you.

Another important part of staying in shape is to eat healthy while traveling. You are on holidays and you are supposed to try new foods but you can simple sample them rather than feasting on them. Moderation is key.

Allow yourself to one dessert a day, and after that, just opt for healthy snacks like muesli bars or fruits.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water rather than drinking bottled juices or soft drinks. Besides, water keeps your metabolism working and flushing out your system throughout the day.

Hide the minibar key or give it back to reception, and stock your hotel room with healthy snack choices. It's best to remove temptation, and that will help your waistline and your pocket.

You can also download an app to help you control what you are eating and give you easy ideas on what to eat. You can also save some money by cooking your meals at the kitchen of the hotel/hostel and that way you can make sure that what you are eating is healthy. Carry carrots and bananas with you. They are easy to eat, they are tasty and they fill you up.